Monday, December 8, 2008

Baroque Listening Journals

Ah, the end of the semester. Each fall semester ends with the music of J.S. Bach and his contemporaries in the musical Baroque. The period is a great one for dramatic music as opera enters the world stage and for every other genre as opera enriches them. I think you'll find much of interest in this batch of blogs:

Sarah Hardy: A journal entry on Alessandro Scarlatti's oratorio Il Primo Omicidio and a response to Jaime Tyser's entry.

Victoria Brown: A journal entry on "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi and a response to Christopher McKiggan's entry.

Christopher Janwong McKiggan: A journal entry on Handel's Giulio Cesare, and a second response to Jamie Tyser.

Jaime Tyser: A journal entry on Buxtehude's Organ Music, and a response to Victoria Brown's entry.